Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Knights, WEAM, Discrimination

Wow super special thanks to all of those who joined us at WEAM! It was a great experiences and again thank you to WEAM for having us! I look forward to going back again J
I would also like to give a special thanks to the Fort Lauderdale Chrome Knights (http://www.facebook.com/events/283551758362362/#!/profile.php?id=100002976814789 ) for meeting with me and willing to do a bike ride fund raiser for us! Now it is a matter of getting permits in Broward and getting everything together.
Our next get together will be the Miccosukee Indian Arts Festival Jan. 1st, 2012 9:30am – 5:30pm. The prices vary upon your age and it’s all posted on our calendar. If you want to join give me a call 786-260-2092.
The lawyer is getting things together to start putting things in motion. I am nervous. I know how this illness is viewed and I know that has to change. And that people have to start taking responsibility for their actions when those actions can and do affect others especially other people’s health. Also we have to start talking about this illness sweeping this under a rug and not talking about it doesn’t make it go away.
This illness is real it impacts us and by talking about it people can start changing it. We still ignore the fact that as studies are taking place they are still focusing on women and not the fact that men carry this illness as well. We all have the P53 gene yet again men are being ignored for health issues that the virus can cause as it impacts this gene.
One step at a time. But I really can’t wait for people to realize that people discriminate. We see color, gender, race and religion. Illnesses do not care or see any of things so why do we keep ignoring that fact?

Knights, WEAM, Discrimination

Wow super special thanks to all of those who joined us at WEAM! It was a great experiences and again thank you to WEAM for having us! I look forward to going back again J
I would also like to give a special thanks to the Fort Lauderdale Chrome Knights (http://www.facebook.com/events/283551758362362/#!/profile.php?id=100002976814789 ) for meeting with me and willing to do a bike ride fund raiser for us! Now it is a matter of getting permits in Broward and getting everything together.
Our next get together will be the Miccosukee Indian Arts Festival Jan. 1st, 2012 9:30am – 5:30pm. The prices vary upon your age and it’s all posted on our calendar. If you want to join give me a call 786-260-2092.
The lawyer is getting things together to start putting things in motion. I am nervous. I know how this illness is viewed and I know that has to change. And that people have to start taking responsibility for their actions when those actions can and do affect others especially other people’s health. Also we have to start talking about this illness sweeping this under a rug and not talking about it doesn’t make it go away.
This illness is real it impacts us and by talking about it people can start changing it. We still ignore the fact that as studies are taking place they are still focusing on women and not the fact that men carry this illness as well. We all have the P53 gene yet again men are being ignored for health issues that the virus can cause as it impacts this gene.
One step at a time. But I really can’t wait for people to realize that people discriminate. We see color, gender, race and religion. Illnesses do not care or see any of things so why do we keep ignoring that fact?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

on goings

In order of events, if anyone would like to help I have found a lawyer willing to take my ex to court for knowingly spreading HPV. If anyone would like to help with case briefs please let me know. 
On Friday Dec. 23, 2011 I figured it would be good to start putting faces and names to HPV Awakening supporters and set up a get together at WEAM- World Erotic Art Museum, where they are featuring Rembrandt. I sent WEAM an email which the owner replied to with a call and was kind enough to give our attendants a rate of $12 per person entrance which is super nice! I have posted it both on the website and our facebook page and all are welcome to join us.
Oh we finally have our logo! I just need to do the text for it and it will be all set to go and I will happily post it up and start working on new pins and t-shirts J I am waiting for my jobs to post the schedule for after Christmas in order to put up the date for out next get together which will be for the Native American Art Festival and Everglades tour. Once I get the date I’ll let everyone know about that and price.
I am thankful to report that I have been in contact with the biker club Chrome Knights of Fort Lauderdale through a friend and am looking forward to meeting them. Good possibility they will do a Bike Run fundraiser for the organization!  So that is one more step to getting to where we need to be.
To be honest I feel like I am fumbling around trying to figure out where to go and how to go about it. I am trying my best to get things moving and getting in touch with as many people as possible in order to do fundraisers and educational events. I am still waiting on the dates for the Universities and colleges to go to speak to the classes and am waiting on pins and needles, as the saying goes, for January to come to be able to start speaking in the local public schools.
Things get a bit more complicated with how much I can do since I work two jobs and am dealing with having a sick mother. It doesn’t help that though my depression has gotten way better it’s still there. I have been very fortunate to have people in my life that help me out and people from my past come back into my life when I need them most.  Everything about life seems to be about one step at a time so that is what I am doing. I am taking things one step at a time even though sometimes I just want to run through them and get things done. Or to pack everything up and just call it a day.
Everything with this organization really is a personal learning experience for me. I am learning more about myself, the people in my life, people of my society, and how to deal with things I never really thought I would have to. The lawyer has taken this case to help bring about change. To stop those out there that like to victimize others from being able to continue doing so.
With every day that passes I both understand people more and oh so much less. But there are just some things and people I guess we aren’t meant to understand.  I am thinking about also doing a video blog and encouraging other people who like me are now HPV carriers to speak up and share our stories. It is something I honestly have to think about. But I know I am leaning towards that direction.
Things for the support group getting underway are coming together. I have decided to wait till January for the holiday season to pass and again it will have to be worked around my work schedules

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hello World!


So I am very excited to be writing this on our official website for the first time :) Thanks to a beautiful person this site was donated, and has been (and still is a bit) under construction so bear with us please!

So it's been a very active week. First I heard from the Dade County schools and have to go to an orientation to become a public speaker on Jan. 12, 2012. Thank you to Chuck, Jackie, and Mr. Ore' for getting that going. Next step is to do the same with Broward and Palm Beach.

Called the Miami Herald (Special Thanks to Anthony for helping us out over there) and put things in motion to have our fundraiser Yard Sale taking place this weeked officially (since last weekend was a bust) be announced in the Dec 8 & 9 issues of the paper.

Again Special thanks to Dr. Green from Turner Tech Senior High School she had a great speaker there today named Marilyn K. Volker, a sexologist, extremely informative and helpful.

I would like to also officially welcome Emma to the HPV Awakening family!!!! her email address is Emma@hpvawakening.org she has been of great help in getting things going and put together the powerpoint presentation used at our FIU panel that took place on October 10, 20111, that was hosted by WSSA, and also had a guest speaker from Planned Parenthood Mr. David block whom I look forward to working with again sometime soon.

Adding to all the things going on I came accross this in a constant search for correct spelling of words and up to date facts http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/risk/HPV full of great new info! the FDA has approved DNA testing for HPV. Now if they could just approve testing for men and the CDC make the life endangering strands reportable illnesses it would really get the ball rolling on taking things to the next level!
well considering the time and the face that I have to share this with tumblr and blogspot which well then send this to twitter and facebook I am heading to bed but looking forward to more updates and getting this site off the group and the organization going. Thank you to all of you followers, Awakeners, contributors, and those of you in my life that have helped me get to where I am.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Let’s start this with thank you to all you followers and supporters. I have found that the more I read about other women in my situation or worse off I tend to find conflicting views. I know that everyone is different and we all deal with things differently but I find it disheartening that most people do not have consideration for others, and do not tell them that they have this virus or a history of it. Something so simple as admitting to the fact that you have been exposed to this virus before gives your partner the chance to just get a vaccine or to know the full extension of the risk they are taking.
Do onto others as you want done onto you seems to have been wiped out of our society. Maybe it’s because men have not been known to be affected by this illness till recently that society has turned a blind eye for the most part. Or again the concept that HPV is a “slut disease” makes us in society turn a blind eye because it’s “their fault” they are infected. The same way AIDS was a gay problem. Maybe one day we will be able realize that unlike humans disease, illness, and injuries do not discriminate - they do not care of your class, race, and will in some cases such as HPV mutate to remind you that gender isn’t an issue for a virus either.
Now my main focus is getting ready for this weekend. Our first fundraiser will be taking place on Dec. 3 & 4 and will be a yard sale located at 17620 NW 18th Ave. , Miami Gardens Florida 33056. Also I was able to set-up the paypal tough not 100% sure how it works since I haven’t placed it on the website yet. It is linked to the email address Tashia@hpvawakening.org . So far we have gotten a ton of material donations from organization supporters to local businesses for the yard sale. And 2 companies will be present at the yard sale sowing their support and selling items for our fundraiser – J2 Creations and Asbestos Accessories. Sadly we haven’t been able to raise the $32 to place an advertisement in the Miami Herald 0_o. But one step at a time and we will get to where we both need and want to go as an organization.
I am still waiting to hear back from the public schools to get permission to speak to local schools about this virus. It is scary when you think about the fact that Miami in number 2 in adolescent AIDS so who knows what the HPV rates are. More so that most people don’t know that HPV even is around let alone that it is one of the most common STDs around. And the fact that this illness is not reportable forces no responsibility on those that have it and feel the need to conceal or spread it around maliciously.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How this Started

If I tell you I started this out of the goodness of my heart that would be a lie. HPV Awakening Inc. came to life as a suggestion by my mother to take a negative and turn it into a positive.

In October of last year I gave in and got into my first relationship with a guy who we will demote to initial Z. He was the first person I ever slept with or ever even saw naked. Due to a number of issues we broke up in January. I had my pap smear done in July only to find that it was abnormal, positive for C1N1 and I now needed a follow-up biopsy - Planned Parenthood is where I got my pap done paid for via a donation on my behalf due to lacking in funds and having no medical insurance.

I call him up to inform him, being the responsible human being that I am, and he kindly intern informs me that he "is sorry to hear that I have that..." due to his oh so not surprised manner I asked "Z. you mean to tell me that non of your ex-girlfriends have ever told you about this before me?" and again (insert sarcasm here) he kindly informed me "well they've have abnormal pap smears, cysts, and stuff but since it didn't directly impact me I didn't care." I hung-up. he had known that he was sick but it didn't impact him so what did it matter to him if it did impact me?

I emailed his ex-girlfriend that came after me and told her to get tested. She called me up as my number was displayed on facebook and informed me of their relationship history - she had also been a virgin; they broke-up after the about the same amount of time he and I did; but she had started suffering from vaginal bleeding during sex which according to the CDC is one of the few symptoms related to this illness, because in most cases people are not systematic. She also informed me that he had not called her to tell her he was a carrier after I had spoken to him.

I then tried taking this to the next level and called FIU, the school all three of us attend, I explained my situation a nurse in the medical center. She told me it wasn't a reportable illness and it wasn't that serious. When  I asked why it wasn't a reportable disease if he knew he was sick and passing it around purposely she laughed. She said that 80% of the population carries one form of HPV or another so you would have to report everyone then.

I called the CDC the next day to see if this was true. And they confirmed it. Mind you there are only 2 strands of HPV linked as cancer causing strands and there are 2 types of vaccines on the market that can protect you from them. Had I known he was a carrier I could have saved myself all this woe and just gotten the shot. But it is not required by law for someone to give you a fair warning that they carry this illness and all you need is a shot to prevent you from getting the 2 HPV strands associated with certain cancers.

Depression hit me, and boy did it hit hard. Here I was 26 had never messed around with anyone before in anyway and the first person I choose to be with is knowingly sick and gives me HPV. What luck right? So my mom suggested a non-profit. "Take a negative and turn it into a positive. Make it so that other girls or people in general don't end up in your shoes." So here we are.

HPV Awakening Inc was created to awaken one person at a time to this illness. An illness that even by most in the medical field is seen and known as a "slut disease". I guess I missed that memo, I mean I was the virgin girl yet when my mom called my aunt who is and has been a nurse for over 20 years with questions. My aunt told my mother "Nancy, girls get that from having sex at too young an age or because they have had too many partners." Thank you oh dear sweet aunt... If 26 is too young an age than God help the average person in the USA and Eastern Europe who on average loose their virginity at 14. And if too many partners is 1 then everyone who has ever had sex please sign over your lives to the slut guild cause it seems one is too many.

I have spoken to many doctors from all over the world since I have gotten my pap results for a follow-up and the word promiscuous seem to come out of their mouths a lot. Funny I still haven't even been with anyone else since Z what does that make me? But at the same time I have met several people on my journey that have shared their stories many of which were not as lucky as I was to catch this on time, and have had full historectamies at a younger age than myself. Or whom are now going through chemo and/or radiation as treatment. I have also had the pleasure of meeting people like Muffy whom is with WSSA at FIU and David Block  from Planned Parenthood who have worked with me to have my first panel about HPV at FIU where education on the matter is greatly needed.

I have my first fundraiser Dec 3 & 4 a yard sale that you can follow on www.facebook.com/hpvawakening for more info. I am lucky and greatful to where I see this going. Every new person I am able to meet and educate is one less person I pray will not be in my shoes or worse off. The purpose for the fundraiding is to stop this epidemic through education so we do not end up again with a once "gay disease" (AIDS) again.