Thursday, December 1, 2011


Let’s start this with thank you to all you followers and supporters. I have found that the more I read about other women in my situation or worse off I tend to find conflicting views. I know that everyone is different and we all deal with things differently but I find it disheartening that most people do not have consideration for others, and do not tell them that they have this virus or a history of it. Something so simple as admitting to the fact that you have been exposed to this virus before gives your partner the chance to just get a vaccine or to know the full extension of the risk they are taking.
Do onto others as you want done onto you seems to have been wiped out of our society. Maybe it’s because men have not been known to be affected by this illness till recently that society has turned a blind eye for the most part. Or again the concept that HPV is a “slut disease” makes us in society turn a blind eye because it’s “their fault” they are infected. The same way AIDS was a gay problem. Maybe one day we will be able realize that unlike humans disease, illness, and injuries do not discriminate - they do not care of your class, race, and will in some cases such as HPV mutate to remind you that gender isn’t an issue for a virus either.
Now my main focus is getting ready for this weekend. Our first fundraiser will be taking place on Dec. 3 & 4 and will be a yard sale located at 17620 NW 18th Ave. , Miami Gardens Florida 33056. Also I was able to set-up the paypal tough not 100% sure how it works since I haven’t placed it on the website yet. It is linked to the email address . So far we have gotten a ton of material donations from organization supporters to local businesses for the yard sale. And 2 companies will be present at the yard sale sowing their support and selling items for our fundraiser – J2 Creations and Asbestos Accessories. Sadly we haven’t been able to raise the $32 to place an advertisement in the Miami Herald 0_o. But one step at a time and we will get to where we both need and want to go as an organization.
I am still waiting to hear back from the public schools to get permission to speak to local schools about this virus. It is scary when you think about the fact that Miami in number 2 in adolescent AIDS so who knows what the HPV rates are. More so that most people don’t know that HPV even is around let alone that it is one of the most common STDs around. And the fact that this illness is not reportable forces no responsibility on those that have it and feel the need to conceal or spread it around maliciously.

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